DLHE Survey

Service Name

Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey data collection, submission and reporting.

Service Description

The university is required by government to undertake the DLHE survey on behalf of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). This involves collecting destination data from graduates 6 months after they’ve graduated. Data needs to be validated by staff and then submitted in XML format via the HESA system.


  • Online hosting of the DLHE survey form for data input by graduates or university staff
  • Admin system to review records, code destinations and view progress towards target response rates.
  • Internal data validation and conversion of data to XML for submission.
  • Statistical data reporting systems.


Recent graduates in target population.

Nominated staff (approx 6-8) within the Careers Service.

For reporting systems, potentially any member of University staff and prospective students.

Service Hours

Consultation, advice and guidance:  09:00-1700, Monday to Friday, excluding university closure periods.

Online resources: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The NUIT “at risk” period is 07:00-09:00 every Tuesday. Further planned maintenance times will be publicised in advance if there will be a disruption to the service.

Level of Service

Target availability of online resources: 99.9% of service hours, excluding advertised planned maintenance downtime.

Support and Documentation

The FUB documentation is located in http://adudeviis:8880/redmine/projects/ 

More detailed documentation regarding the system and process documentation is saved in \\campus\pss\studentandacademicservices\careers\Teams\CMU\Guidance Team\DLHE\DLHE Procedure files\System Documentation

Request Process

Requests for developments to any aspect of the service should be submitted via the IT Service Desk on 0191 208 5999 or https://nuservice.ncl.ac.uk 

Requests relating to any service failure will be handled according to the NUIT Request Fulfilment process and dealt with within five working days.

Requests for major developments to the system will be assessed by the Careers Service IT Project Board which meets on a monthly basis.




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Internal Use Only

Service Owner

Mike Stephenson, Business Systems Development Manager

Senior Service Lead

Alun Carter, Web Development Team Manager, NUIT / Careers Service

Service Lead

Graeme Tait, Web Developer, NUIT / Careers Service

Supporting Services, Components and Dependencies

Campus network, server hosting, login gateway, MySQL hosting


Availability, 99.95% target

Number of security breaches, target of 0 (Relies partly on Protect Network)
