Electronic Alternatives

If your document is available electronically this will enable the material to be easily adapted to match personal preferences.

It is often easier and quicker to make information available electronically rather than convert a document to Braille or large print. In addition providing an electronic copy before the event allows the audience to have read it before coming, giving them an idea of the likely content. This helps meet the anticipatory requirements of legislation.

Good practice is to make documents available in both their original format ie Word, Powerpoint and as a PDF. It is also helpful to give each version a title which identifies it and the version eg handout1_word and handout1_pdf.

If the original format is a standard office format (eg .doc, .ppt, .xls) then users will be able to:

  • adjust the format to meet their individual needs (eg text size, colours)
  • annotate the original text on a PC


Powerpoint: Make your PowerPoint presentations accessible

Word: Create Accessible PDF (Microsoft)