Service Description
All University staff and students are required to carry a Smartcard.
As well as acting as an ID card, Smartcards give access to other services (including library services) and to certain buildings.
- Student registration events
- Building access
- Access to additional services (further information available from issuing desks)
All members of the University (and certain categories of external user).
Service Hours
Smartcards work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Access to buildings depends on the building opening times.
Smartcard issuing hours are as the main counter service times in the Philip Robinson Library ( and the full desk service times in the Walton Library ( Additionally, several student registration events are also held each year.
Level of Service
Building access requests will be handled within one working day.
Support and Documentation
Smartcard information can be found at:
Additional support is available via the IT Service Desk on 0191 208 5999 or
All incidents relating to this service will be handled according to the Incident Management and Major Incident Management processes.
Request Process
To obtain a Smartcard:
- Go to the issuing desk at the Philip Robinson or Walton libraries.
To request access to a building:
- A certain level of access is automatic for most Smartcard users.
- The libraries give advice on how to obtain further access.
- A request can be made via
Requests for any other aspect of the service should be made via the IT Service Desk on 0191 208 5999 or
All requests relating to this service will be handled according to the Request Fulfilment process.
User Responsibility
Look after your Smartcard; treat it like a credit card.
There is no charge for a Smartcard but replacements cost £10.
'); ?>Internal Use Only
Service Owner
Ken McGuinness, Desktop Support Manager
Service Lead
Chris Schroeder, Desktop Support team
Supporting Services, Components and Dependencies
Daily data feeds into Smartcard system via Unix/Middleware from SAP. Chubb & G4Tec maintain the hardware around campus. Servers are maintained by ISG. Network.
None at present