Telephones (staff only)
Service Description
This service covers all of your University telephone needs; the basic service includes a handset and extension but there are also a number of additional features available to enhance the service. These include pick up groups (to enable colleagues to answer each other’s calls), hunt groups (so a whole team can be reached on one extension), voicemail (to allow callers to leave a message when you can’t answer your phone) and mobile phones for working away from your desk.
Cost and call summary reports are available from the Tiger Call Logging System to help Schools and Services to monitor call costs.
A dedicated contact centre system is provided for a number of Student Services operators. This provides more advanced management of inbound calls and integration with the Student Enquiries Management and Marketing service.
- Provision of fixed line and cordless telephone
- Moves and changes to fixed line handsets
- Changes and provision of mobile and smart phones
- Voicemail
- Speed dial lists
- Pick up groups
- Hunt groups
- Call Forwarding/Diversions
- Configurable classes of service for incoming and outgoing calls
- Regular monthly cost analysis reports
- Ad hoc call cost reports will be supplied when requested with the appropriate authority
Contact centre system (based on SAP BCM) provides these additional features:
- PC based graphical client & headset
- IVR menu for inbound callers to Student Services line providing call routing and submission of reference number
- Call queues
- Integration with SAP CRM
- Graphical overview of contact centre call activity
- Set of standard reports available to generate on ad-hoc basis to administrators
University staff
Contact centre system: Student Services Interaction and Accommodation teams
Service Hours
The telephone service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Consultation, advice and guidance: 09:00-17:00, Monday to Friday, excluding University closure periods.
Level of Service
The configurable options on University extensions are:
- Outgoing class of service: the ability to allow or bar levels of service for outgoing calls (for example, allowing internal, local, national, mobile or international calls to be made).
- Incoming class of service: the ability to allow or bar Direct Dial Incoming (DDI) calls.
Requests for configuration changes will be fulfilled within five working days of receipt of request.
Voicemail requests can only be processed if your People Search entry is correct, we aim to complete these within five working days of receipt.
Requisitions for mobile phones will be processed within ten workings days of receipt.
Requests for Call Logging reports will be fulfilled within five working days of receipt of request from authorised persons.
Support and Documentation
For support and advice on using Teams Phone, please have a look at our dedicated support site Making phone calls in Teams (
General information and FAQs can be found at and
Outgoing class of service details can be found at
Information about handsets and associated faults can be found at and
Voicemail information and FAQs can be found at
A voicemail user guide is available at
Mobiles and smart phones:
The range of mobile phones and data devices can be found at
Tiger Call Logging reports:
General information can be found at
Additional support is available via the IT Service Desk on 0191 208 5999 or
All incidents relating to this service will be handled according to the Incident Management and Major Incident Management processes.
Request Process
To change your class of service:
- Your schools telecoms coordinator (or person with responsibility for such matters) should email authorisation to
To request voicemail:
- Download and complete the voicemail request form from (or for multiple-user voicemail).
- Return the form via fax to extension 5800, internal post to Telecommunications Office, Room 3.07, Claremont Bridge, or email a scanned copy to
To order a mobile phone (including replacement):
- Submit an internal purchase requisition to fax to extension 5800. Internal purchase order templates can be found at:
To request/amend a Tiger Call Logging report:
- Email your request to
SAP BCM requests should be made via the IT Service Desk on 0191 208 5999 or Specific standard requests include:
- Changing IVR voice prompts or behaviour to accommodate seasonal or otherwise different business processes
Requests for any other aspect of the service should be made via the IT Service Desk on 0191 208 5999 or
All requests relating to this service will be handled according to the Request Fulfilment process.
User Responsibility
Please provide all required information and documents when requesting any aspect of the service.
Users are expected to make use of the documentation before contacting the Service Desk for help.
Voicemail: It is the user’s responsibility to comply with the conditions of acceptance found in the University Voicemail request form.
Mobiles: Report lost or stolen devices (as detailed in
The telephones service is not centrally funded so there is a cost to the school/service (see
Details of costs for each specific aspect of the service can be found in the relevant section of
'); ?>Internal Use Only
Service Owner
Ken Hazon, Telephony and Cabling Manager
Service Lead
- Handsets – John Dunn
- Voicemail – John Dunn
- Mobile and smart phones – Phil Parker
- Pick up groups – Steve Zajac
- Hunt groups – Steve Zajac
- Speed dial list – Steve Zajac
- Call Forwards/Diversions – Steve Zajac
- Tiger Call Logger – Phil Parker
- SAP BCM – Ian McAlpine
Supporting Services, Components and Dependencies
HiPath PABX, VIP Voice Mail System, Campus Network, email, HiPath Manager, Active Directory Domain (SAP BCM), Orange Network, Vodafone Network, O2 Network, University Exchange Server, Tiger Call Logging System
Availability of handsets
Availability of Rocom ordering system
Availability of the Voice mail system
Availability of the HiPath Manager
Availability of the Tiger Call Logging System
Availability of Orange ordering system
Availability of SAP BCM system