HPC Research Highlights
Simulations of turbulent reacting flows

Rocket, the high-performance computing facility, has been used by researchers at Newcastle University alongside ARCHER and Tier-2 facilities to carry out high fidelity computational simulations (e.g. Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES)) of turbulent combustion of gaseous homogeneous and stratified mixtures, flame propagation in droplet mists and ignition of pulverised coal particle-laden mixtures. These simulations offer three-dimensional data with a level of spatial and temporal resolution, which is either impossible, or difficult to match, by experimental means. The fundamental physical understanding gained from this data is utilised to develop models for premixed turbulent combustion, flame-droplet and flame-wall interactions, and to identify the conditions which favour ignition in turbulent homogeneous and stratified gaseous, and coal particle-laden mixtures. This information will be crucial for the design of new generation energy efficient and environment friendly combustors.
For further information, contact nilanjan.chakraborty@newcastle.ac.uk in the School of Engineering, Newcastle University
Last modified: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 15:38:37 GMT