Campus Messaging

Service Description

Provision of technical support to the University Campus Messaging System.  This comproses software suport to the content delivery system and hardware support to centrally managed systems.

To consult and provide guidance and recommendations to schools and institutes who wish to utilise the system on their own hardware (known as adopted systems)


  • The IT Service manage and support all centrally-owned hardware and provide software support to the content delivery system.
  • The IT Service provide procurement and management advice to schools and institutes interested in becoming adopted systems.  These systems which can be used to deploy specific local and central content however hardware and non-central content must be supported and managed by locally nominated staff. 


The University Public Relations Directorate and any nominated University staff responsbile for adopted systems.

Service Hours

Support and consultation hours are between 09:00-17:00, Monday to Friday, excluding University closure periods.

Central system operating times are between 08:00 – 18:00, Monday to Friday; unless otherwise agreed with us.  Adopted systems will operate between hours defined by the system owner.

The “at risk” period is 07:00-09:00 every Tuesday. Further planned maintenance times will be publicised in advance if there will be a disruption to the service.

Level of Service

We will aim to investigate any reported issues with central systems within three working days.  Central hardware is covered by a 5 year next day on site swap out warranty in the event of hardware failure . 

Adopted hardware is the responsibility of the school or institute that own it

Support and Documentation

Service information can be found at

Documentation is available to allow local support staff  to provide and manage local content and undertake basic technical troubleshooting to adopted systems

All incidents relating to this service will be handled according to the Incident Management and Major Incident Management processes.

Additional support, as for all IT services, is available via the IT Service Desk on 0191 208 5999 or 

Request Process

All support requests (including advice on the provision of adopted systems) should be made via the IT Service Desk 

Development requests should be made via the IT Service Desk and will be reviewed on a twice-yearly basis.

Requests for any other aspect of the service should be made via the IT Service Desk on 0191 208 5999 or 

All requests relating to this service will be handled according to the Request Fulfilment process.

User Responsibility

To inform the IT Service Desk of any changes to the information previously supplied for adopted systems.

In the event of irresolvable hardware issues, it is the responsibility of the school or institute to arrange for the repair or replacement of any faulty equipment by an appropriate approved external contractor and to cover any costs incurred.


There is no cost associated with support provision.

All costs associated with the purchase, support and maintenance of adopted systems will be borne by their owners.

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Internal Use Only

Service Owner

Dave Alsop, Learning Spaces Manager

Service Lead

Hardware: Lee Harrison, AVS
Content provision: Paul Thompson, Research & Collaborative Services

Supporting Services, Components and Dependencies

Campus network, Server hosting, Web hosting, Login gateway, Filestore, University Timetabling Services, University Conference Office


None at present
