PC Clusters & Printing
Your new Student Portal - https://studentportal.ncl.ac.uk/
A new and improved one-stop mobile responsive Student Portal replaces S3P (Student Self-Service Portal) and the Newcastle App.
- We recommend you uninstall the Newcastle App as it will no longer provide the information you need.
- Create a shortcut to the new Student Portal to add to your mobile or desktop home screen for quick future access.
- Find out more (https://www.ncl.ac.uk/students/student-portal/) and watch a demo video about the new Student Portal.
The provision of desktop PCs, software and printing for students.
- Computer cluster rooms across campus with 3000+ networked PCs
- 24 hour access to some clusters
- Wide range of software; some have extra specialist software, like CAD programs
- A4 mono printers in all cluster rooms and A3 and A4 colour printers in some
- Scanners in most cluster rooms
- Some clusters are bookable by teaching staff
Cluster opening hours are arranged locally depending on building opening times.
- Buy print credits
- Photocopying
- View service definition