Cluster printing & scanning
Your print & photocopying account
Students receive free print credit on their print & photocopy accounts on the 1st of August each year. If you haven’t received yours, make sure your print & photocopying account is in credit, you will not receive your free credits until your account overdraft is cleared.
You can top up your print & photocopy account online at, via the Unifeed on a cluster PC. See the information at 'buying more credits' for details.
A4 black and white printers are in all of our cluster rooms. There are some A4 black and white printers in non-cluster venues (Hershel foyer and outside the David Shaw lecture theatre in the Cookson Building). A4 colour printers are in most of our cluster rooms. The following common user venues have A3 colour printers:
- The Old Library
- Philip Robinson Library (level 2)
- Marjorie Robinson Library Rooms (level 2)
Some school managed clusters also provide A3 colour printing.
PCs in each cluster venue will automatically print the printers located in that venue.
How to print from your own device
You can now submit print jobs to cluster room printers from your own devices via the NUPrint service.
Problems printing?
- By default black and white printing will print on both sides, but you can print single sided by selecting the “single sided black and white A4 printer” from the list of available printers.
- The majority of A4 colour printers can print double-sided. In Word and PDF documents, click on file/print, select the colour A4 printer, and then click on printer properties/finishing/print on both sides.
- To print to an A3 printer, select A3 printer from the list of available printers, then click on both “page setup” and “printer properties” and ensure all paper size entries are set to A3 as opposed to the default A4.
- If you have problems printing a word document i.e. it doesn’t appear on the printer, pictures are missing, or the formatting is wrong, try converting it to PDF: click File - Save As and change the Save As Type to PDF. If the document looks OK in the PDF version, it should print out successfully.
- When printing from a cluster PC you will get a little pop up window at the bottom right of your screen telling you which printer your job has been sent to. The printers are labelled to help you find your job.
- If a print job has not come out, ensure your document is saved to a drive (some documents will not print directly from email, USB or web pages). Ensure the document you are trying to print does not have any print copyright restrictions on it (some ejournals are available for online use only). If a document still won't print contact us for further advice.
- Make sure you you have enough print credit on your account, check your balance at
You can find photocopiers in the Old Library, Robinson Library, Walton Library, Law Library and the Marjorie Robinson Library Rooms.
More information on printing and copying costs.
The majority of our clusters have some PCs with A4 flatbed scanners attached. If you have problems scanning an entire document make sure you that you have the ‘document’ option selected in the scanner settings and not the ‘photo’ option.
All of the photocopiers will scan A3.
Scanning is free. You are only changed for printing a scanned image.