
When using IIS, content needs to be protected in the C:\opt\shibboleth\etc\shibboleth\shibboleth2.xml file.

Initial Config

By default, this contains:

<Host name="servername.ncl.ac.uk">
Path name="secure" authType="shibboleth" requireSession="true" />

which means the https://servername.ncl.ac.uk/secure directory is proteted by Shibboleth but accessible by any autenticated user.

Restricting by UserID


 <Path name="secure/justoneuser" authType="shibboleth" requireSession="true">
    <Rule require="eppn">specificuser@ncl.ac.uk

inside the <Host> element, would mean the subdirectory https://servername.ncl.ac.uk/secure/justoneuser was protected by Shibboleth and only available to the user "specificuser@ncl.ac.uk".

Restricting by User Type

Finally, adding:

 <Path name="secure/justoneuser/anystaff" authType="shibboleth" requireSession="true">
    <Rule require="stafforstudent">staff

inside the <Host> element, would mean that https://servername.ncl.ac.uk/secure/justoneuser/anystaff was again protected by Shibboleth and only available to staff users.

Protecting the Entire Server

In order to protect the whole server (https://server.ncl.ac.uk/anything) the configuration looks a little different:

<Host name="servername.ncl.ac.uk" authType="shibboleth" requireSession="true" />

would mean all of https://servername.ncl.ac.uk was protected by Shibboleth and any valid user could access the content on the server after authentication.

Restricting the Entire Server to Staff

<Host name="servername.ncl.ac.uk" authType="shibboleth" requireSession="true">
    <Rule require="stafforstudent">staff

would mean all of https://servername.ncl.ac.uk was protected by Shibboleth and only staff could access the content on the server after authentication.