Software Development Toolkit

The Software Development Toolkit is available to all students and staff.

It provides a robust and secure means to store source code and manage changes to development projects, as well as project management and Continuous Integration tools.

The service currently runs a Github Enterprise account.

Service Definition

Which instance do I use?

  • Github Enterprise account - This is available for all staff and students for professional, teaching, and research usage.
  • Staff can SSO into the organisation. To sign in for the first time go to
  • Undergraduate students should contact their local IT support for more information on accessing the University's Github subscription.

Guidance on using the Software Development Toolkit:

  • General usage of the Github software is outside of the scope of support from the IT Service. If you are a student, your course leaders may direct you towards teaching materials that will assist with this usage (if applicable). For all other usage please refer to the Github User documentation