All students and staff have access to Microsoft OneDrive for secure online cloud storage.
Accessing and managing documents in your OneDrive
Login to OneDrive by signing into, select the App Launcher button in the top-left and select OneDrive.
- Uploading files from H: Drive to your OneDrive
- Opening and saving documents to your OneDrive
- Manage documents in your OneDrive
Working with files in your OneDrive using Office Online
Office Online gives you access to lightweight versions of common Microsoft Office apps including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.
- Using Office Online apps to create and edit documents
- Completing basic tasks using Office Online apps
Working Collaboratively
You can easily share files and folders in your OneDrive with peers however, if you are working on a group project we recommend using Microsoft Teams. Please consult our guide on what to store where in Office 365 for further information.
The files you store in your University OneDrive are only accessible to you by default but you can share files and folders to collaborate with others.
Using the Sync Client
The new OneDrive sync client lets you connect and sync files from your OneDrive for Business and from Microsoft Teams and SharePoint sites. You can add a work or school account to the OneDrive sync client and sync all your files to your computer. If not already available, staff can request the Sync Client to be installed on non-shared workstations by placing a request with the IT Service Desk.
You can install OneDrive on your personal device by following OneDrive sync client guides.
Installing on University Devices
If you are setting up the OneDrive sync client on a University device please use the default location suggested by the app (C:\Users\YourUsername\OneDrive). This is to ensure that only you have access to any locally stored data.
Installing on Personal Devices
If you are setting up the OneDrive sync client on a personal device please ensure that your device is secured (with a pin, passcode or fingerprint) and any files containing sensitive information are appropriately encrypted.
Where is my data stored?
OneDrive, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and Exchange Email data is stored in locations around the UK, for an overview of all Office 365 data locations please consult Microsoft's Where is your data located?
Can I store protected data in Office 365?
You are permitted to store protected data on your University OneDrive if no restrictions have been placed on where that data can be stored by research data providers or similar agencies. However, you are still responsible for ensuring that data remains protected in compliance with the University’s Data Protection and Information Security Policies.
If you use the OneDrive Sync Client to copy protected data to any device that is not secured and managed by the University, then this could potentially place that data at risk, especially if the device is lost, stolen, or disposed of in a way that would allow unauthorised people to recover the data.
- Restoring a previous version of a document in OneDrive
- Find lost or missing files in OneDrive
- Using the Sync Client on Personal devices