Telephones (staff)
NUIT operates the University's telephone service and is happy to discuss your telephony requirements, including repairs, moves, software changes, directory related questions and mobile telephony or mobile broadband/data services.
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Telecoms Co-ordinators/Bill Payers
Each school/faculty will have its own "telecoms coordinator" who receives a monthly telephone report (Bill). Telecoms use this person as an authorised contact, they have the authority to make changes to the telephony arrangements with their own school/faculty.
For example, a staff member in your school/faculty may wish to be able to make international calls from their phone but cannot do so. Telecoms will approach the "coordinator" for authorisation to increase dialling permissions on an extension.
A guidance note has been provided to enable you to understand how telephony works and how you can administer the service.
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Telecoms Coordinator Guidance Notes MSWord 164Kb
Have you been asked to "look after" the telephones for your school or faculty? Do you have any questions about how to provide telephones, move phones, allow staff to make international calls, or any other telecoms related questions?
These Guidance Notes will help give you a better understanding of how telephones are provided and how you can deal with customer enquiries and bills......