To minimise the attack surface of the internet facing access to the service, SSH is blocked. To reduce potential confusion and maintain a consistent user experience SSH has also been disabled internally.

Git over HTTP may be unfamilar to some but is fully supported.

Your authentication method will vary based on your 2FA configuration.

2FA enabled

When you enable 2FA, password based access over the Git protocol will be disabled.

You will need to create and use an Access Token.

1. Navigate to your user settings (top-right hand corner of the application)

2. Select "Access Tokens" in the left-hand menu.

3. Enter a sensible name for it and an expiry date.

Access Token‌‌

4. Select either "write_repository" or "read_repository" depending on which kind of access you want to make available to the token.

5. Store the token somewhere safe, such as using Git Credential Manager.

 2FA Disabled

You will be prompted for your LDAP username and password as normal for Git operations.