Registering for an account

Several accounts are available which allow access to the University IT facilities:

Conditions of Use

All users of the University’s IT facilities are bound by the Conditions of Use: staff members sign the User Agreement, and students agree to this when they register with the University.

Further Information and Advice

If you have any IT registration queries please contact the IT Service Desk.


Newcastle University Students have their IT account (login, email and filestore) created automatically when they enrol with the University. If you are having problems accessing the University IT systems or require help with your login name and password, contact the IT Service Desk or IT Service Support Hubs

Certain classes of students such as Partners students, students on collaborative programmes must be authorised by Head of School/Unit or the Student Office where appropriate.


Please see our dedicated staff registration page for details on registering for a staff ID, eligibility and appropriate application forms.

School or Service IDs (role account)

There are two types of "role" accounts:

Email (Outlook - New Shared Mailbox)

A new shared Microsoft Outlook Mailbox to enable multiple people to monitor and send email from a shared email address.  To request a new shared mailbox please complete this form via

Authentication Only

If you require a School or Service ID for authentication purposes (this does not include a Microsoft application licence), please complete the online form. Authorisation will be sought from an authorised signatory for the School/Institute/Service and the account will not be created until authorisation has been received.

The Head of School/Unit remains responsible for that account but can delegate operational use to one or more other members of staff for business continuity reasons. Role accounts are sometimes used for logging into PCs attached to lab equipment.  Automated expiry emails will be sent out each year to check if the account is still required and that there is an active owner for the account.

A "role" account is the only type of computer account that may be shared by members of staff. All staff accessing the account must have already accepted the University's Computer User's Agreement, which is automatic when a University staff number is issued by People Services, or by completing a Staff Registration Form. For regulatory reasons all other accounts are considered "personal" accounts and may not be shared; third party access is only permitted when specifically authorised by the IT Service.

Authorised Signatories

Please log into SharePoint to view the current list of authorised signatories.

For any amendments to the list of authorised signatories, the Head of School/Service/Institute or current approved signatory should log a service request at

Self-Managed IT Accounts

These can be created for use by short-term guests, visitors, workshop attendees, interviewees, etc, who need to be able to log onto a University computer.

To request self-managed IT accounts please complete the form via

For easy and effective management of access to IT facilities, we recommend that one ID per participant is used. Authorisation will be sought from an authorised signatory for the School/Institute/Service.  The login details will not be issued until authorisation is received and the accounts are created.

Please ensure that requests for self-managed accounts are placed at least one week prior to the date that they are required.

The Organiser will be responsible for recording to whom each account has been issued and when, and for ensuring that each participant has signed the IT User Agreement form.

Conference Guest Speakers & Conference Delegates

Conference speakers requiring access to a PC in a lecture theatre for a presentation will require a login ID.  These are issued by the Conference Office.

Wireless Guest service  

Visitors who are not able to connect to eduroam can use the free cloud WiFi network WiFi Guest to access the Internet using their own computer.

Students' Union IDs

If you require an email address for a Student Society (affiliated to the Students' Union), please complete the online form.  All requests will be authorised by the Students' Union IT Team before they are processed.

Students' Union Staff working with the Students' Union should complete the Staff Registration form.

Rules of Use

All users are subject to strict Policy on Use of IT Facilities: staff sign the User Agreement, and students agree to this when they register with the University.